Our Partnerships

See Diamond Recovery’s Partnerships within the Addiction Treatment community. From Internet sensations to local figures.

Diamond Recovery is proud to have established strong partnerships with some of the most influential figures in the addiction treatment community. From internet sensations to local heroes, these individuals are helping Diamond Recovery provide effective and compassionate care for those struggling with substance use disorders. Our partners represent a wide range of backgrounds and experiences that have empowered us to create innovative solutions tailored to our clients’ individual needs. By collaborating with these incredible people, we are able to bring together unique perspectives and resources that can help change lives.

Jersey Jerry

Barstool Sports personality with 7+ years of sobriety. Former Union pipe-fitter turned internet sensation. Steelers 4 life. It was always Jersey Jerry.

Jersey Jerry hosts a weekly conversation about rebuilding your life after addiction


Founded by Alex Rodriguez, Sircutz.com, is a local barbershop that visits our facility monthly to give haircuts to patients, giving them a huge moral and confidence boost.

Alex Rodriguez founder of sircuitsz.com


At Stella Blue Coffee we believe the only thing as important as buying the best coffee beans is buying the best coffee beans the right way. That’s why we went the extra mile to make sure our coffee is Rainforest Alliance certified.